下輩子,無論愛與不愛,都不會再見----送給兒子的備忘錄, In next life, no matter you want or not, we won’t meet each other at all – a memo to my son
我兒:寫這備忘錄給你,基於三個原則:My son, based on three principles below, I wrote this memo for you:
(一)人生福禍無常,誰也不知可以活多久,有些事情還是早一點說好。Life happens; no one knows how long you may live. There is something that has to be said as earlier as better.
(二)我是你的父親,我不跟你說,沒有人會跟你說。I am your father. If I won’t tell you, no body does.
(三)這備忘錄記載的,都是我經過慘痛失敗得回來的體驗,可以為你的成長省回不少冤枉路。 All the contents of this memo are my unforgettable experiences which may save your time while you’re growing.
以下,便是你在人生中要好好記住的事:The followings are things you have to keep in mind.
(一)對你不好的人,你不要太介懷,在你一生中,沒有人有義務要對你好,除了我和你媽媽。Don’t mind for those who are not good to you. No one has obligation to treat you well, except your mom and I.
至於那些對你好的人,你除了要珍惜、感恩外,也請多防備一點,因為,每個人做每件事,總有一個原因,他對你好,未必真的是因為喜歡你,請你必須搞清楚,而不必太快將對方看作真朋友。Regarding to the people who treat you well, you have to cherish, and thank them, but still be careful a little bit. People always do something for a reason. One who treats you well, doesn’t mean that he likes you. You have to think about it and don’t get along with them as a good friends too soon.
(二)沒有人是不可代替,沒有東西是必須擁有。 Any one can be substitutive. And nothing has to be owned. 看透了這一點,將來你身邊的人不再要你,或許失去了世間上最愛的一切時,也應該明白,這並不是什麼大不了的事。 If you are aware of it, it’s not a big deal when your beloved leave you or you lose something very important.
(三)生命是短暫的,今日你還在浪費著生命,明日會發覺生命已遠離你了。 Life is short. If you’re wasting your life today, you’ll find out the life is already far away from you. 因此,愈早珍惜生命,你享受生命的日子也愈多,與其盼望長壽,倒不如早點享受。Therefore, you have to cherish your life and enjoy it. To enjoy life earlier rather than to ask god to live longer.
(四)世界上並沒有最愛這回事,愛情只是一種霎時的感覺,而這感覺絕對會隨時日、心境而改變。There isn’t any permanent love. Love is just a feeling for a moment, and will change any time. 如果你的所謂最愛離開你,請耐心地等候一下,讓時日慢慢沖洗,讓心靈慢慢沉澱,你的苦就會慢慢淡化。不要過分憧憬愛情的美,不要過分誇大失戀的悲。If so-called permanent love leaves you, please be patient. Let time goes by, and let your mind settled down. You painful will be weakened. Don’t over beautify love, and don’t over exaggerate the sad of failure in love.
(五)雖然很多有成就的人士都沒有受過很多教育,但並不等於不用功讀書,就一定可以成功。Although some outstanding people didn’t get much education, it doesn’t mean that they don’t study hard. 你學到的知識,就是你擁有的武器。人,可以白手興家,但不可以手無寸鐵,謹記!The knowledge is your weapon. People can’t be from rags from riches without weapons. Please remember it!
(六)我不會要求你供養我下半輩子,同樣地我也不會供養你的下半輩子,當你長大到可以獨立的時候,我的責任已經完結。 I won’t request you to raise me for the rest of my life, and I won’t do that for you as well. My responsibility will be terminated when you’re dependent. 以後,你要坐巴士還是Benz(賓士),吃魚翅還是粉絲,都要自己負責。 No matter you want to take bus, or Benz; shark’s fin, or Chinese noodle, it’s up to you.
(七)你可以要求自己守信,但不能要求別人守信,你可以要求自己對人好,但不能期待人家對你好。 You can ask yourself to keep promise, but can’ do the same to others. You can ask yourself to treat others well, but can’t do the same to others. 你怎樣對人,並不代表人家就會怎樣對你,如果看不透這一點,你只會徒添不必要的煩惱。How you treat to people doesn’t means that they’ll treat you the same way. If you can’t be aware of that , you’ll be vexed.
(八)我買了十多二十年六合彩,還是一窮二白,連三獎也沒有中,這證明人要發達,還是要努力工作才可以,世界上並沒有免費午餐。I have bought lottery for decades. I’m still poor. It approves that hard working is the way to reach riches. There is no free lunch.