最近聽到一道英文歌, nobody's child, 旋律很美, 再查詢到歌詞, 很受感動, 每次聽到都會被感動到流淚. 尤其是早上一個出門騎單車運動時, 情緒一發不可收拾.
上網查了一下這首歌曲, 好像沒有中文的翻唱, 在1969年時, 被Karen Young唱出名大紅. 我把歌詞節錄如下;
As I was slowly passing an orphan’s home one day.
And stopped there for a moment Just to watch the children play.
Alone a boy was standing, and when I asked him why.
He turned with eyes that could not see, And he began to cry.
I’m nobody’s child. I’m nobody’s child.
Just like a flower, I’m growing wild.
No mommy’s kisses, and no daddy’s smile.
Nobody wants me, and I’m nobody’s child.
People come for children, and take them for their own.
But they all seem to pass me, and I’m left here all alone.
I know they’d like to take me, but when they see I’m blind.
They always take some other child and I am left behind.
I’m nobody’s child. I’m nobody’s child.
Just like a flower, I’m growing wild.
No mommy’s kisses, and no daddy’s smile.
Nobody wants me, and I’m nobody’s child.
No mommy’s arm to hold me, or soothe me when I cry.
Sometime it gets so lonely, I wish that I could die.
I’d walk the streets of heaven, where all the blind can see.
And just like all the other kids, there’d be a home for me.
I’m nobody’s child. I’m nobody’s child.
Just like a flower, I’m growing wild.
No mommy’s kisses, and no daddy’s smile.
No body wants me, and I’m nobody’s child.
Nobody wants me, I’m nobody’s child.
歌詞內容是描逑一個孤兒院男孩, 因為眼睛看不見, 一直沒被領養.
政府或是有本事的有錢人, 是不是多花些精神, 讓每位小朋友都有一個安全舒適的家庭呢?