大女兒於2004年5月份在高雄地方法院公證結婚, 次年2月在寒軒國際大飯店宴客. 宴客時, 身為新娘的父親, 上台講了一段話, 今天偶然在找資料時, 再行閱讀一遍, 感到特別有意思, 特別拿出來分享諸位親朋好友.
因為到場的賓客, 有許多的外藉客人, 我的致詞稿, 以中英文同時進行的. 以下是我當時的講稿.
各位好朋友, 大家晚安, Ladies & Gentlemen, good evening!
首先, 我想代表家母及我們全家, 感謝各位長官、各位好朋友的光臨。On behalf of my mother and my family, first I would like to show our appreciation to your presence.
今天是我們傅家嫁女兒的日子, 也是我們家第一次辦喜事, 經驗不夠, 有招待不週的地方, 尚請各位好朋友見諒。Today is the day for our daughter’s wedding banquet, it’s also a first-time experience in our family. So please forgive us if there’s any poor service.
相信, 等我小女兒再辦喜事時, 會比較順利些。I believe everything will be better and smoother when my little daughter gets married.
小女維倫與來自比利時的Kris, 在去年5月份即在高雄地方法院完成公證結婚, 並且己在台灣及比利時政府完成登記, 也就是一切合法。My daughter Willa and her husband Kris, who came from Belgian, already had registered their wedding at the Kaohsiung District Court last May, and have registered both government in Taiwan and Belgium, so, everything is legal.
在這裡, 我想借美國前總統Bill Clinton對他女兒到美國西部讀大學, 離別時講的話, 講給小女維倫聽, 意思大概是這樣; Tonight I would like to quote what Ex American President Bill Clinton said to his daughter Chelsea when she was leaving for College in the west coast, to my daughter Willa,
“女兒, 從妳出生開始, 我就知道有一天妳會展開妳的雙翅高飛, 我也有心裡準備。”“My beloved Willa, ever since you were born, I knew one day you will spread your winds and fly high, I guess I am mentally prepared for this.”
只是, 我萬萬沒想到, 妳會飛得這麼遠, 坐飛機要20幾個小時。It’s just that, I never ever thought that you would fly so far away, to a place where it takes more than 20 hours by plane to get to.
雖然在法律上, 妳己經是梵道克太太Mrs. Vandenbroucke有七個月了了, 現在我才有捨不得的感覺。Though legally you are already Mrs. Vandenbroucke for more than 7 months, I have just now started to feel so bad to let you go.
今天後, 妳要好好對待梵道克, 做一個好太太, 好媳婦, 互相扶持, 互相關懷, 有一天回到比利時後, 要記得, 台灣永遠是妳的娘家。From today on, you shall treat Kris well, be a good wife, good daughter in law, love each other, and care for each other. One day, when you move back to Belgium, always remember, you have a home in Taiwan forever.”
謝謝!! Thank you!