2007年, 我獲得我們社團Toastmasters 中華民國國際演講協會, 台語幽默演講比賽冠軍. 當時獲得第二名的吳姓會友, 在頒奬時馬上表示抗議, 他說我的台語不流利, 演講中參雜了英文及國語, 不應獲得第一名, 這時, 演講比賽主持人, 當年的推廣副總會長林醫師, 回答說, 依據國際總會頒的演講比賽規則, 任何抗議應在宣佈前三名之前完成, 並當場表示抗議無效. 下圖的左側即吳姓會友, 獲得第二名.
2020年12月16日補記: 上述的演講比賽規則, 很多新進的會員可能不太瞭解, 但只要參加過幾次比賽, 如果能再更進一步擔任演講比賽的裁判(評審), 甚至於擔任裁判長(Chief Judge)時, 就更清楚了, 記得我擔任台灣地區總會副總會長那年(2003 或 2004), 任國際演講比賽裁判長(Public speaking contest chief judge)時, 有會友就提出某位參加者的演講內容, 有抄襲網路文章的嫌疑, 這時演講結束, 尚未宣佈前三名, 我要求比賽主席暫停, 我即召集所有裁判集合, 並請被質疑的會友到場說明, 接著裁判們再集合商議, 做出並未抄襲, 謹為引用, 抗議駁回的決議, 整個比賽過程繼續進行, 本案, 比賽主席林醫師主動駁回, 主要是抗議的程序無效而己, 與其抗議內容無關, 以下的許多會友的想法, 似乎也可以回答抗議的吳姓會友的不解吧!
會後, 很多會友向我表示祝賀之意, 並安慰我不用在意他人的看法, 他們都支持我, 都認為我拿這個名次是名正言順的. 會後沒多久, 是誰? 我忘記了, 對我做了一篇專訪, 並貼在KTC, Kaohsiung Toastmasters Club, 我的母會臉書網頁上. 今天(2020年2月3日)在天祥路的路易莎咖啡, 一個人享美式咖啡時, 偶然看到這篇文章, 覺得很有意, 拿到這裡給大家分享.
這篇的主題是: Learn from the Best, 向最好的學習
Learn from the Best!
Spotlight on National Taiwanese Humorous Speech Champion,
Dick Fu
Article from District PR News Nov 2007
Learning about communication skills instead of simply focusing on the Taiwanese or English language is the essence of the Toastmasters training program. What I mean is that in terms of language usage, as long as both parties could understand the intentions and the message is conveyed, then the goal has been achieved. This is why language only accounts for 15% among the judging criteria of a speech contest.
Q1: How did you come up with this topic in the first place? In the process of developing your story, did you encounter some difficulties? What would you do to make the content of your speech acceptable by the audience?
A1:It just occurred to me in July or August this year that I could use the word “defecate” as the topic of my Taiwanese speech. The reason was that this is produced by natural bowel movement. Although this topic makes some people embarrassed, it is a common experience. As long as I speak about this topic properly, I think I should be able to get positive responses from the audience. I then began to organize the speech in a structured flow and created some punch lines. I also consulted with my wife when I drove her to & from her office everyday as my wife is also a member of Kaohsiung Taiwanese TMC. Eventually, the whole structure of my speech was completed. Since I am the EVP of Kaohsiung Taiwanese TMC, at first, I encouraged some members to attend the humorous speech contest in preparation for the Fall Convention, but no one showed interest. At the end, I thought that since I had already written the speech, I expressed my willingness to take part in the contest to our club president and won full support from all of the club members. Thus, I would say that I had the topic first and then decided to join the contest later.
Q2. Why do you want to challenge yourself by taking part in this Taiwanese speech contest? How did you make the decision to participate in this contest in the beginning? After making the decision to join the contest, have you ever thought that you would win?
A2: As far as I am concerned, if I compare the English and Taiwanese speech contests, speeches in Taiwanese seem to be easier to prepare and are easier to elaborate into a contest speech. For English speech contests, there would be too many contestants, too many areas to cover and I would need to spend more time to prepare. After I made the decision to join the contest, I stayed calm and normal. I finished my script ahead of time, but I did not have a complete rehearsal and I did not even deliver the speech at the regular meetings of our Taiwanese club. I started to practice my speech when I was on my way to Huatan of Nantou for the preliminary Div. F contest on Oct. 15. The train ride was two hours and I got to practice several times.
There were 7 contestants in this contest and only 5 contestants could enter the final contest on Nov. 11 at the convention. During the preliminary contest, I met Area F4 Governor Cheng Man-chu, who is also a member of the Taiwanese club from Kaohsiung . She was the only one who gave me some suggestions. Before the Fall Convention, I did not go through any rehearsals. I only made some adjustments on the order of some punch lines so the speech would flow more logically. Frankly, I did not anticipate that I could win a trophy, and I believe that many of my friends did not expect me to win the contest. I think the reason why I got first place is that I paid more attention to the judging criteria. There are: content 55%, performance 30% and language 30%. Moreover, everyone could relate to the speech topic and content so the audience could easily share my views. One more point, I used my advantage as one of the past District Governors so I have more friends in this Toastmasters family and cheering for me at the contest.
Q3: When you speak in a different language, there is always a problem with the accent. Being a 2nd generation mainlander, please tell us your experiences in learning Taiwanese and attending a Taiwanese speech contest?
A3: Learning about communication skills instead of simply focusing on the Taiwanese or English language is the essence of the Toastmasters training program. What I mean is that in terms of language usage, as long as both parties could understand the intentions and the message is conveyed, then the goal has been achieved. This is why language only accounts for 15% among the judging criteria of a speech contest.
Being a second generation mainlander, I was born in and I have lived in Taiwan all my life. I have eaten more Taiwanese rice and gulped down more water than some of the Taiwanese Toastmasters members. Many of them do not even speak Taiwanese as fluent as me even though Taiwanese is their mother tone! Therefore, in learning any languages, there are no shortcuts but to speak as often as you can.
Q4. What encouragement do you get from this award?
A4: I was totally overwhelmed when James Lin announced that I am the first prize winner. However, when I think back to this contest, the things I appreciated the most are the process of preparation and the encouragement I got from my good friends before the contest! I think the most important reward my fellow members and I received from this contest is that the keys to winning a speech contest is to focus on the content and the value of the speech and deliver it in a natural way!
問一:當初怎麼會想到要講這個題材? 發想過程,是否遇到瓶頸? 您如何讓這樣的題目可以登大雅之堂?
答一:大概是今年7-8月份吧,在一次偶然的機會,我想要用"大便"做為我的演講題目,理由是這件事我們每個人都要做,雖然這個課題可能難登大雅之堂,郤像電影普遍級而且是一件老少咸宜的課題,只要運用得宜,應該可獲得觀眾的迴響. 接著下來我開始構想幾個笑點,然後利用每天接送我太太上下班的時間與她商量,我太太本身也是高雄台語會的會友,慢慢的,整篇演講的架構完成了。因為我是高雄台語會教育副會長,原想鼓勵其他幾位會友參加秋季及春季的演講比賽,他們都很客氣。我想,既然我的題目已趨完整,就向會長表示參加台語幽默演講比賽的意願,當然,隨即獲得全會的支持。所以,我是先有題目,才決定參加的意願。
問二:為何想挑戰台語演講? 您當初如何決定參賽?參賽後有沒有想過要拿獎?
答二:在英語及台語方面,對我來說,台語比較容易準備以及發揮,英語方面,要挑戰的對象以及領域太廣,要花更多的時間,決定參賽後,一直保持平常心,講稿很早就寫好了,郤沒有一次完整的演練,也沒有在台語會例會中,先講給大家聽聽看,完全是我一個人在搞,10月15日F部初賽,在南投縣的花壇,我也是在搭火車的2個多小時,坐在椅子上,演練了幾次而已,初賽有7位會友參加,取5名參加11月11日的決賽。在初賽時,F4總監鄭滿足會友,她也是我們高雄台語會的會友,也是第一次聽到我的演講,賽後給了我一個意見,就只一個,後來我加入講稿之中. 秋季大會前,我也沒有 Rehearsal,只是將講稿的幾個笑點,順序調整了一些,更有邏輯. 老實講,我一點都沒有拿獎的心裡準備,我的許多朋友,也可能不看好我的表現,我想我的出線,完全是我比較注意演講的評審標準,內容55%,表現30%,語言15%,所講的題目,與大家都有關連,比較可以獲得共鳴. 還有一點,我比較佔便宜的,可能是我當過總會長,同時在演講會的資歷較久,人脈比較豐富的關係。
答三:演講會主要是學習溝通的技巧,學習標準的台語或英語,不是我們的目的,我所要表達的意思,只要對方聽得懂,可以互相的交流就好了,我想,這也是為什麼"語言"這項目,在評審表中僅佔15%的原因吧! 我雖然是外省第二代,郤是在台灣出生,我所吃的台灣米,喝的台灣水,比演講會絕大部份多數的會友多,目前有許多會友,我們高雄台語會就有幾個,他們的母語是台語,但比我還不輪轉,所以,不論是任何語言,只有多講,沒有其他任何捷徑。
答四:當推廣副總會長林義雄宣佈到我的名字時,我當然很高興,可是最讓我回味的,還是準備演講的過程,以及賽前所有好朋友的鼓勵. 我想,我這次得獎對我個人,或是對其他會友,最大的收獲,應該是要注意演講的內容及價值,以及如何自然的表現,才是出線的不二法門。