我的信用卡額度己恢復正常, 早上隨即訂倫敦到巴斯 Bath Spa, 的火車票. 訂妥了, 二人來回要價 57英磅, 折合台幣 2679元, 車程一個半小時. 因為先買才有這個價錢, 否則現場買的話, 單程一個人就要70-80英磅呢!

其怪, 英國國鐵沒有老人票的優惠, 不知為何?

Journey: 1 London Terminals to Bath Spa @ £57.00
ADVANCE          £31.00 (2 @ £15.50)

ADVANCE          £26.00 (2 @ £13.00)

Journey: 1 London Terminals to Bath Spa
Ticket type: Advance Valid only on your chosen service. Not refundable. Changeable prior to date of travel for a fee.
Route: First Great Western Trains Only
Outward journey: 29 Sep 2013
departs London Paddington at 11:03 travel by Train service provider First Great Western to station Bath Spa arrives 12:39   ( seats reserved: Coach: A Seats: 33 , 34    )
Ticket type: Advance  Valid only on your chosen service. Not refundable. Changeable prior to date of travel for a fee.
Route: First Great Western Trains Only
Return journey: 30 Sep 2013
departs Bath Spa at 13:43 travel by Train service provider First Great Western to station London Paddington arrives 15:14   ( seats reserved: Coach: A Seats: 41 , 42    )

到時, 我只要憑信用卡及訂位代號, 到起站 Paddington station 取票即可. 



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